Friday, 13 March 2015

The Colours Of Me

The Colours Of Marcus

Most of me is funMountains at sunset.jpg loving orange
Kind and caring,
Sweet with spice and everything nice,
This side of me makes me feel on top of the world,
and that I can jump off the highest mountain,
Going everywhere doing everything,
Fearless and free,
Making me soar above the clouds like a star in the sky.
This part of File:Rkinch chloramine is a sickly green
stropy and sulky
bad tempered and grizzly
this part of me makes me stomp my feet
kick and scream the house down
wriggle and squirm
drive my mum mad

These Are the Colours  of Me

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Whakarongotai Marae Trip

Friday the 27 of February Te Poutama trooped off to the whakarongotai marae where Aunt Queenie one of the staff greeted us in a calling. we slowly made our way up to the porch of this sacred building. when we were let in the rest of the staff were there and showed their appreciation by giving each of us  in turn a hongi. “The Breath Of Life” when we sat the staff stood and introduced themselves there was matua georgie and matua rangi. They included us in a wealth of activities and stories such as the Haka and a pepeha but when it was over we said our goodbyes with a performed Haka all together as one. Our singing shook the ground and our dancing brought rainstorms. But we had to leave, hoping to return we left the sacred grounds of the Whakrongotai Marae “Tihei Mauri Ora!”
