100 Word Stories

A vapour of breath exhaled from her shivering body. The wind gushed around her ice cold face, As she lifted the lid on her remaining energy casket, she took a giant leap. Her snowboard waltzed across the ice like the word “Failing” was just another word. Skier after skier. Snowboarder after snowboarder was all she could see. The smell of sweat grew insubordinate. She grasped the snow tightly to make a snowball and tossed it into the herd of snowboarders. Flying the speed of a bullet, it sent the pack of disoriented snowboarders into the ground. She glided towards the finish line, she knew, she won.

My Discombobulated face turned a scarlet red as the spicy jalapeno slid down my burning throat. My Evil older brother Peter convinced me that the so-called red Banana was edible. But it made my tongue tingle and then i suddenly went horrifyingly numb. i tried with all my strength to say “ILL GET YOU FOR THIS” but all that came out was random gibberish and gooey green flem. It hurt something awful and the burning sensation was slowly turning me into a vegetable. The only sound that I heard was Peter’s hysterical laughing, and all I could fell was my sweat and tears turning into steam

My scarlet gumboots waded across the brown mud. My body wasbut I kept my pace and tried not to be completely engulfed in the storm. After numerous attempts I pried the door open and in to find mother waiting for me drenched in half a river. I tiredly stripped down and went to bed. I woke up to a scream, the sky turned a deadly as did the crops of below. Mother was beside herself in horror and fear. I cant say that I wasn’t either when I looked up. An ENORMOUS meteor crashed into the ground and that is all that I remember.


  1. Hello Marcus,

    It’s obvious on reading your story you understand the power words can have to create images in the minds of readers. As an example, your opening sentence helped me picture a person, the cold turning her breath’s moisture to vapour, as she exhaled on a very cold day. Well done.

    Throughout, I would only perhaps have made some slight changes but they would be more my personal choices you as a writer might not make. As an example, in your final sentence I might have reviewed the use of commas.

    I most certainly hope you can continue entering the 100WC. Good writers should share the worlds and adventures from their imagination.

    Ross Mannell (Team 100WC)
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia

  2. Kia ora Marcus - I have loved reading your 100 word stories, I followed a link from the 100wc website : ) I am working with some teachers today telling them about 110wc so I will share your blog as an example of great writing.
